(: Took some of Mike Brevoort's xquery code samples because they are nice and show common xquery syntax :) (:~ : Given a sequence of version URIs, publish all of these versions of each document : If there is a version of the same document already published, unpublish it 1st : : When "publish" is referred to, we mean that it is put into the PUBLISHED collection : unpublish removes content from this collection : @param $version_uris - sequence of uris of versions of managed documents to publish :) declare function comoms-dls:publish($version_uris as item()*) { for $uri in $version_uris let $doc := fn:doc($uri) let $managed_base_uri := $doc/node()/property::dls:version/dls:document-uri/text() let $existing := comoms-dls:publishedDoc($managed_base_uri) let $unpublishExisting := if($existing) then comoms-dls:unpublishVersion((xdmp:node-uri($existing))) else () let $addPermissions := dls:document-add-permissions($uri, (xdmp:permission('mkp-anon', 'read'))) return dls:document-add-collections($uri, ("PUBLISHED")) }; declare function comoms-dls:publishLatest($uri) { (: TODO check if it's in the draft collection probably :) let $latest_version_uri := comoms-dls:latestVersionUri($uri) let $log:= xdmp:log(fn:concat("latest: ", $latest_version_uri)) let $log:= xdmp:log(fn:concat("uri: ", $uri)) return comoms-dls:publish($latest_version_uri) }; declare function comoms-dls:latestVersionUri($uri) { let $latest_version_num := ( for $version in dls:document-history($uri)/dls:version order by fn:number($version//dls:version-id/text()) descending return $version//dls:version-id/text() )[1] return dls:document-version-uri($uri, $latest_version_num) }; declare function comoms-dls:unpublish($uris as item()*) { for $uri in $uris return let $published_doc := comoms-dls:publishedDoc($uri) return if($published_doc) then let $published_version_uri := xdmp:node-uri($published_doc) return comoms-dls:unpublishVersion($published_version_uri) else () }; declare function comoms-dls:latestPublishedDocAuthor($uri) { let $author_id := doc($uri)/property::dls:version/dls:author/text() return if($author_id) then comoms-user:getUsername($author_id) else () }; (:~ : Given a sequence of version URIs, unpublish all of these versions of each document :) declare function comoms-dls:unpublishVersion($version_uris as item()*) { for $uri in $version_uris return let $removePermissions := dls:document-remove-permissions($uri, (xdmp:permission('mkp-anon', 'read'))) return dls:document-remove-collections($uri, ("PUBLISHED")) }; (:~ : Given the base URI of a managed piece of content, return the document of the node : of the version that is published :) declare function comoms-dls:publishedDoc($uri) { fn:collection("PUBLISHED")[property::dls:version/dls:document-uri = $uri] }; (:~ : Test if any version of the managed document is published :) declare function comoms-dls:isPublished($uri) { if( comoms-dls:publishedDoc($uri)) then fn:true() else fn:false() }; declare function comoms-dls:publishedState($uri) { let $doc := comoms-dls:publishedDoc($uri) let $published_uri := if($doc) then xdmp:node-uri($doc) else () let $latest := comoms-dls:latestVersionUri($uri) return if($doc) then if($latest ne $published_uri) then "stale" else "published" else "unpublished" }; declare function comoms-dls:getManagedDocUri($uri) { let $doc := fn:doc($uri) let $managed_uri := $doc/property::dls:version/dls:document-uri/text() let $managed_uri := if($managed_uri) then $managed_uri else $uri return $managed_uri }; (:~ : Given a manage content url (e.g. /content/123456.xml) return the appropriate : version of the document based on what stage collection is being viewed and : what's published : : @param $uri a manage content url (e.g. /content/123456.xml) - NOT A VERSIONED URI :) declare function comoms-dls:doc($uri) { let $doc := fn:root(comoms-dls:collection()[property::dls:version/dls:document-uri = $uri][1]) return if($doc) then $doc else let $managedDocInCollection := comoms-dls:collection-name() = xdmp:document-get-collections($uri) return if($managedDocInCollection) then fn:doc($uri) else () }; (:~ : Get the collection to be used when querying for content : THIS or comoms-dls:collection-name() SHOULD BE USED WHEN BUILDING ANY QUERY FOR MANAGED CONTENT :) declare function comoms-dls:collection() { fn:collection( comoms-dls:collection-name() ) }; (:~ : Get the collection nameto be used when querying for content : THIS or comoms-dls:collection() SHOULD BE USED WHEN BUILDING ANY QUERY FOR MANAGED CONTENT :) declare function comoms-dls:collection-name() as xs:string { let $default_collection := "PUBLISHED" return if(comoms-user:isAdmin()) then let $pub_stage_collection_cookie := comoms-util:getCookie("COMOMS_COLLECTION") return if($pub_stage_collection_cookie) then $pub_stage_collection_cookie else $default_collection else $default_collection }; (:~ : Check if the published collection is being viewed :) declare function comoms-dls:isViewingPublished() { if(comoms-dls:collection-name() = "PUBLISHED") then fn:true() else fn:false() }; (:~ : Get the best URL for the content URI. : This is either the default URI based on detail type or should also take : into account friendly urls and navigation structures to figure out the : best choice :) declare function comoms-dls:contentUrl($uri) { (: TODO: add friendly URL and nav structure logic 1st :) let $doc := fn:doc($uri) let $managedDocUri := $doc/property::dls:version/dls:document-uri let $uri := if($managedDocUri) then $managedDocUri else $uri let $type := $doc/node()/fn:name() let $content_id := fn:tokenize( fn:tokenize($uri, "/")[3], "\.")[1] return fn:concat("/", $type, "/", $content_id) }; (: : : gets list of doc versions and uri. : :) declare function comoms-dls:versionHistory($uri) { let $published_doc := comoms-dls:publishedDoc($uri) let $published_uri := if($published_doc) then xdmp:node-uri($published_doc) else () return <versions> { for $version in dls:document-history($uri)/dls:version let $version_num := $version/dls:version-id/text() let $created := $version/dls:created/text() let $author_id := $version/dls:author/text() let $author := comoms-user:getUsername($author_id) let $note := $version/dls:annotation/text() let $version_uri := xdmp:node-uri(dls:document-version($uri, $version_num)) let $published := $published_uri eq $version_uri return <version> <version-number>{$version_num}</version-number> <created>{$created}</created> <author>{$author}</author> <published>{$published}</published> <version-uri>{$version_uri}</version-uri> </version> } </versions> }; (: ########################################################################### :) (: PRIVATE FUNCTIONS :) (: ########################################################################### :) declare function comoms-dls:_import() { "xquery version '1.0-ml'; import module namespace dls = '' at '/MarkLogic/dls.xqy'; " }; (: ---- ---- :) xquery version '1.0-ml'; declare variable $URI as xs:string external; declare function local:document-move-forest($uri as xs:string, $forest-ids as xs:unsignedLong*) { xdmp:document-insert( $uri, fn:doc($uri), xdmp:document-get-permissions($uri), xdmp:document-get-collections($uri), xdmp:document-get-quality($uri), $forest-ids ) }; let $xml := <xml att="blah" att2="blah"> sdasd<b>asdasd</b> </xml> (: -------- :) for $d in fn:doc("depts.xml")/depts/deptno let $e := fn:doc("emps.xml")/emps/emp[deptno = $d] where fn:count($e) >= 10 order by fn:avg($e/salary) descending return <big-dept> { $d, <headcount>{fn:count($e)}</headcount>, <avgsal>{fn:avg($e/salary)}</avgsal> } </big-dept> (: -------- :) declare function local:depth($e as node()) as xs:integer { (: A node with no children has depth 1 :) (: Otherwise, add 1 to max depth of children :) if (fn:empty($e/*)) then 1 else fn:max(for $c in $e/* return local:depth($c)) + 1 }; local:depth(fn:doc("partlist.xml")) (: -------- :) <html><head/><body> { for $act in doc("hamlet.xml")//ACT let $speakers := distinct-values($act//SPEAKER) return <div>{ string($act/TITLE) }</h1> <ul> { for $speaker in $speakers return <li>{ $speaker }</li> } </ul> </div> } </body></html> (: -------- :) { for $book in doc("books.xml")//book return if (contains($book/author/text(),"Herbert") or contains($book/author/text(),"Asimov")) then $book else $book/text() let $let := <x>"test"</x> return element element { attribute attribute { 1 }, element test { 'a' }, attribute foo { "bar" }, fn:doc()[ foo/@bar eq $let ], //x } } (: -------- :) <bib> { for $b in doc("")/bib/book where $b/publisher = "Addison-Wesley" and $b/@year > 1991 return <book year="{ $b/@year }"> { $b/title } </book> } </bib> (: -------- :)
class Set ['a] { mutable storage : list ['a] = []; public Add (e : 'a) : void { when (! Contains (e)) storage ::= e; } public Contains (e : 'a) : bool { storage.Contains (e) } } def s1 = Set (); s1.Add (3); s1.Add (42); assert (s1.Contains (3)); // s1.Add ("foo"); // error here! def s2 = Set (); s2.Add ("foo"); assert (s2.Contains ("foo"));
% resume.tex % vim:set ft=tex spell: \documentclass[10pt,letterpaper]{article} \usepackage[letterpaper,margin=0.8in]{geometry} \usepackage{mdwlist} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{textcomp} \pagestyle{empty} \setlength{\tabcolsep}{0em}
#! /bin/bash # for i in $(echo $* | fold -w 1);do printf "%x " \'$i; done; echo
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var target = $$.css('backgroundImage').replace(/^url[\(\)'"]/g, ''); // nice long chain: wrap img element in span $$.wrap('<span style="position: relative;"></span>') --> </script>
; Clojure test comment (ns test (:gen-class)) (def foo "bar") (defn bar [arg1 arg2 & args] "sample function" (for [arg args] (prn arg))) (bar "foo" "bar" "blah" :baz)
The text is specified to be lisp by the class attribute. Semicolon is normally a valid punctuation character but in lisp it is a comment so should be colored as a comment if the className is being properly parsed.
; foo
The language is attached to a CODE element inside a PRE.
; foo
The language is attached to a CODE element inside a PRE and there is space between the PRE element's tags and CODE element's tags.
; foo
The below is not treated as lisp despite there being a lisp language specifier on the contained CODE element, the CODE element does not wrap all non-space content.
before CODE
; foo
The language is attached to an HTML5 comment that looks like an XML processing instruction.
; foo
The language is attached to a regular HTML5 comment that looks like an XML processing instruction.
; foo
The language is attached to a regular HTML5 comment that looks like an XML processing instruction.
; foo
The language is attached to a regular HTML5 comment that looks like an XML processing instruction.
; foo
"No tag backs."
- "No tag backs."
static Persistent<String> listeners_symbol;
(* some comment here *) PROCEDURE TestCase.AssertEquals(msg:String; expect, act:Longint); VAR ex, ac:String; BEGIN IF expect <> act THEN BEGIN Str(expect, ex); Fail(Concat(msg,' expected ',ex,' but was ',ac)); END; factors := new(ArrayListPtr, Init); FOR candidate := 2 TO i DO BEGIN WHILE i MOD candidate = 0 DO BEGIN factors^.Add(candidate); i := i DIV candidate; END; END; END;
200 REM ----- method teardown 210 PRINT "green" 220 RETURN 470 IF af=0 THEN GOTO 520 480 FOR j=1 TO af 500 ac=pf(j) : me$=STR$(j)+". factor" : GOSUB 100 510 NEXT 530 RETURN 1000 DATA "one", 1, 0
part of myLib; part 'something.dart'; import 'dart:math' as test show foo, bar; class Point { final num x, y; Point(this.x, this.y); : x = 0, y = 0; // Named constructor // with an initializer list. num distanceTo(Point other) { var dx = x - other.x; var dy = y - other.y; return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } } // This is a single-line comment. /* This is a multiline comment. */ main() { Point p = new Point(7, 12); String thing = 'It\'s awesome!'; String thing2 = ''' This is a test! \''' This is the end of the test'''; String thing3 = r""" This is a raw multiline string!"""; num x = 0x123ABC; num y = 1.8e-12; bool flag = false; String raw = r"This is a raw string, where \n doesn't matter"; }
#!/bin/tclsh proc fib {n} { set a 0 set b 1 while {$n > 0} { set tmp $a set a [expr $a + $b] set b $tmp incr n -1 } return $a }
### Example R script for syntax highlighting # This is a comment ## Valid names abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV0123456789._a <- NULL .foo_ <- NULL ._foo <- NULL ## Invalid names 0abc <- NULL .0abc <- NULL abc+cde <- NULL ## Reserved Words NA NA_integer_ NA_real_ NA_character_ NA_complex_ NULL NaN Inf ## Not reserved NULLa <- NULL NULL1 <- NULL NULL. <- NULL NA_foo_ <- NULL ## Numbers 12345678901 123456.78901 123e3 123E3 1.23e-3 1.23e3 1.23e-3 ## integer constants 123L 1.23L ## imaginary numbers 123i -123i 123e4i 123e-4i ## Hex numbers 0xabcdefABCDEF01234 0xabcp123 0xabcP123 ## Not hex 0xg ## Special operators %xyz% ## %xyz% 1 %% 2 diag(2) %*% diag(2) 1 %/% 2 1 %in% 1:10 diag(2) %o% diag(2) diag(2) %x% diag(2) `%foo bar%` <- function(x, y) x + y 1 %foo bar% 2 ## Control Structures (3.2) and Function ## if, else if (TRUE) print("foo") else print("bar") ## For, in for(i in 1:5) { print(i) } ## While, break i <- 1 while (TRUE) { i <- i + 1 if (i > 3) break } ## Repeat repeat {1+1} ## Switch x <- 3 switch(x, 2+2, mean(1:10), rnorm(5)) ## Function, dot-dot-dot, return foo <- function(...) { return(sum(...)) } # Not keywords functiona <- 2 + 2 function. <- 2 + 2 function1 <- 2 + 2 ## Grouping Tokens 10.3.7 ## Parentheses 1 + (2 + 3) ## brackets foo <- function(a) { a + 1 } ## Indexing 10.3.8 ## [] bar <- 1:10 bar[3] ## [[]] foo <- list(a=1, b=2, c=3) foo[["a"]] ## $ foo$a foo$"a" ## Operators 2 - 2 2 + 2 2 ~ 2 ! TRUE ?"help" 1:2 2 * 2 2 / 2 2^2 2 < 2 2 > 2 2 == 2 2 >= 2 2 <= 2 2 != 2 TRUE & FALSE TRUE && FALSE TRUE | FALSE TRUE || FALSE foo <- 2 + 2 foo = 2 + 2 2 + 2 -> foo foo <<- 2 + 2 2 + 2 ->> foo base:::sum base::sum ## Strings foo <- "hello, world!" foo <- 'hello, world!' foo <- "Hello, 'world!" foo <- 'Hello, "world!' foo <- 'Hello, \'world!\'' foo <- "Hello, \"world!\"" foo <- "Hello, world!" foo <- 'Hello, world!' ## Backtick strings `foo123 +!"bar'baz` <- 2 + 2
HDR ; -- prt/display header N X,I I '$D(VALMHDR) X:$G(VALM("HDR"))]"" VALM("HDR") ; -- prt hdr line W:'$D(VALMPG1) @IOF K VALMPG1 W:VALMCC $C(13)_IOUON_$C(13)_IOINHI_$C(13) ; -- turn on undln/hi I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" D IOXY^VALM4(0,0) ; -- position cursor W $E(VALM("TITLE"),1,30) ; -- prt title W:VALMCC IOINORM,IOUON ; -- turn off hi W $J("",30-$L(VALM("TITLE"))) ; -- fill in w/blanks I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" W $C(13) D IOXY^VALM4(30,0) ; -- position cursor W $J("",((VALMWD-80)/2)),$$HTE^XLFDT($H,1),$J("",10+((VALMWD-80)/2)),"Page: ",$J(VALMPGE,4)," of ",$J($$PAGE^VALM4(VALMCNT,VALM("LINES")),4)_$S($D(VALMORE):"+",1:" ") ; -- prt rest of hdr W:VALMCC IOUOFF I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" D IOXY^VALM4(0,0) ; -- turn off undln F I=1:1:VALM("TM")-3 W !,$S('$D(VALMHDR(I)):"",$L(VALMHDR(I))>(VALMWD-1):$$EXTRACT^VALM4($G(VALMHDR(I))),1:VALMHDR(I)) ; -- prt hdr Q
; Declare the string constant as a global constant. @.str = private unnamed_addr constant [13 x i8] c"hello world\0A\00" ; External declaration of the puts function declare i32 @puts(i8* nocapture) nounwind ; Definition of main function define i32 @main() { ; i32()* ; Convert [13 x i8]* to i8 *... %cast210 = getelementptr [13 x i8]* @.str, i64 0, i64 0 ; Call puts function to write out the string to stdout. call i32 @puts(i8* %cast210) ret i32 0 } ; Named metadata !1 = metadata !{i32 42} !foo = !{!1, null}
if(!/^https?:\/\//i.test(val) && foo == 'bar') { val = 'http://' + val; }
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DATA TYPES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% v = [1,2,3;4,5,6]; v(v>4) = 0; s = struct('key',1, 'key2','string'); s.key = 2; C = cell(1,2); C{1,1} = 0:9; double(1) single(1) uint8(1) int8(1) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% STRINGS & TRANSPOSE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% plot(data'); legend(labels) str = 'asdasd'; % this is a string str = 'asdas'; str = 'sdasd''sdasd'; str = ['one' 'two' 'three']; str = strcat('one', 'two', 'three'); % matrix transpose M = rand(3,3)'; x = M.'; x = [10 20; 30, 40]'; disp(x') fprintf('%d\n', x(:)') % with comment {1,2}' % another comment %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LINE CONTINUATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [1 20; ... 30 4] ['gdgsd'... 'sdfs'] {... 'sdasd' ; 'asdsad'} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SYSTEM COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !touch file.txt %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMMAND OUTPUT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% >> 1+1 ans = 2 >> 1+1 ans = 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% KEYWORDS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function ret = fcn(in) ret = sum(in.^2); end classdef CC < handle properties (SetAccess = public) x = 0; end methods function this = CC(varargin) this.x = 9; end end end x = []; parfor i=1:10 x[i] = i; end true ~= false if x==1 true elseif false else return end while true continue break end try error('aa:aa', 'asdasd') catch ME warning(ME) end switch x case 1 disp(1) otherwise 0 end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NUM LITERALS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 1. .1 1.0 -1 -1. -.1 -1.0 +10 +01. +.1 +1.0 1e1 1e-1 1.e1 1.e-1 1.0e1 1.0e-1 .1e1 .1e-1 -.1e+1 +1.e-1 1i .10j -1.001i +1e-100j -.10e-01i % unary vs binary operators 1+1 1+ 1 1 +1 1 + 1 +1+1 +1+ 1 +1 +1 +1 + 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMMENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % comment % % % comment % comment %# comment %% comment %#x = sum(x); %{ block comment %} %{ %} %{ %} %{ 1 2 %} %{ % sdf {} sdf %asda{} sfds %} %{ dsf %} %{%} %{ zzz=10; %} %{%x=10;%} %{ x a=10; %} %{ %a=10; %} x % nested block comments fail %{ dfsdf %{ xxx %} dfsdf %} % fails here! %{ x=10; %%{ %%} y=20; %}
defmodule Foo.Bar do @moduledoc """ Tests syntax highlighting for Elixir """ use Bitwise require Logger alias __MODULE__, as: This @default_token_length 10_000 @spec token(length :: integer) :: String.t def token(length \\ @default_token_length), do: String.duplicate("x", length) defp _not_exported(), do: 0xFF + 0xF_F - 0xff def other(foo, bar) do fun = fn{_a, b} -> b + 1_3.1_4 end fun.(1.0e+20) _str = "string without #{inspect(42)} interpolation" <> " some more with newlines \ and newlines" charlist = 'some\'chars with newlines \ and newlines' <<x::utf8, _y::size(8), data::binary>> = "fooo" ls = [1 | [2, 3]] map = %{"baz" => "ban"} map = %{foo: :bar, "yes, this compiles": :"also an atom"} :erlang.time() case {foo, bar} do {1, 2} -> 3 _something_else -> :error _ -> :"this won't match" end r = 2 _bitwise_not = ~~~r ~r/foo/iu # regex sigils are treated as normal ones ~S|we have "quotes" and 'quotes' and| <> " more string" ~c"custom sigil char \"is\" fine too" ~r'hello' ~w[hell\] #o] #sigil does not expand to the comment ~w{hello} ~C<hello> end end
package test; import kotlin.Int // Single line comment /* * Multiline * comment */ typealias SomeNumber = Int val number: Long = 1_000L var float: Float = 12.34f 0xFF_FF 3.14 314e-2 0.314e1 protected override fun ifBoolean(condition: Boolean? = null) {} ::ifBoolean constructor() : super() "\"true\"" 'a' """ aaaaaaaaaaa """ loop@ for() break @loop enum class `true` data class Person(val name: String) enum class Size { BIG, MEDIUM, SMALL } class Ball(val color: String, val size: Size) { companion object {} fun isBig() = size == Size.BIG val isMedium: Boolean get() = size == Size.MEDIUM } fun Boolean?.isNull(): Boolean = this == null fun Boolean?.getOrThrow(): Boolean = this ?: throw Exception()